Contact Details
Address | 13 – 15 Wyndham Street, South End, Port Elizabeth 33 58 22 05 S / 25 36 59 30 E | | |
Telephone | +27 (0)41 581 6715 |
Reservations | Lurline Gouws |
Owner | Floris Botha +27 (0)82 327 2120 |

Directions to Madiba Bay Guesthouse
From Grahamstown/East London/Cradock
From the N2 take the M4 Settlers Freeway into PE
Follow the road for about 5-8 km until you get to the first robot on the freeway
Turn right onto the M9/Walmer Boulevard, direction of airport
Go up the hill until you reach the small Shell Garage on your right
Turn right into the first road after the garage – Anderson Street
Go straight over Weber
Turn right into Wyndham Street
Madibabay is on the corner of Anderson and Wyndham Street, entrance in Wyndham Street (number 15)
From the Airport
Upon leaving the airport, Engen garage on left, turn left at circle.
Follow the road over the railway line until you reach the robot
Turn right into Heugh Road
Travel down Heugh Road, go over 2nd Avenue and 1st Avenue (South End Spar on left)
At the next road turn left into Anderson Street
Go straight over Weber Street, take the next turning right into Wyndham Street, number 15 on your left.
From Cape Town
Travel down Cape Road through town towards the sea
At the fork, take the Summerstrand fly-over
At the first robot, turn right into the M9/Walmer Boulevard. (South End Fire Station will be on your left)
Continue up the hill until you find a small Shell garage on your right, turn right after the garage into Anderson Street.
Continue straight over Weber street, and turn right again into Wyndham Street, the guesthouse is on the left, number 15.